Job closed
This job was closed at May 16, 2024 12:00 GMT.

Native French Translator Required for Cyber Security Awareness Platform

Meghirdetve: May 14, 2024 15:06 GMT   (GMT: May 14, 2024 15:06)
Elbírálás és értesítések elküldve: May 14, 2024 16:12 GMT

Job type: Fordítási/lektorálási/korrektúrázási munka
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

Nyelvek: angol - francia

A munka leírása:
usecure is a Human Risk Management platform providing phishing simulations, dark web breach monitoring, policy management and security awareness training courses.

We are looking for a translator to work with on an ongoing basis for our French-language content. This would be long-term, ongoing work on a variety of content types.

The majority of the required translation work would be in-app copy on the human risk management platform, marketing & email copy, and voiceover and question text for our cyber security training courses.

There would be around 10,000-20,000 words to translate on a monthly basis.

We want to understand how we'd best be able to work with you and what the costs would be for this project.
Forrásanyag formátuma:
Many formats
Teljesítés formátuma:
Many formats

Poster country: Egyesült Királyság

Szolgáltató kiválasztásának szempontjai (a munka meghirdetője által meghatározva):
Tagsági szint: Nem 12 óra eltelte után adhatnak árajánlatot
info Műszaki
info Preferált specifikus területek: Computers: Software
info Megkövetelt anyanyelv: francia
Tárgy: Számítógépek: Szoftver
info Az árajánlatot adó megkövetelt helye: Franciaország
Árajánlat benyújtásának határideje: May 16, 2024 12:00 GMT
Teljesítési határidő: Jun 16, 2024 08:00 GMT
További követelmények:
- Understanding of basic cybersecurity concepts such as phishing required
Mintaszöveg: NEM szükséges ezt a szöveget lefordítani
Human error is the leading cause of cyber breaches.

usecure was created to protect the data, systems and communications of companies from being exposed due to human error - but also to safeguard their reputation and trust among customers, clients and partners.

Just about every company holds personal, sensitive or confidential information of some kind, and it is essential that employees understand the importance of protecting this data.

A megbízóról:
This job was posted by a logged in visitor.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Head of Content